How to Stream

On Discord, streaming is quite simple once you understand it. You do not have to leave the channel you’re in to start the stream. First, the app you want to stream audio and/or video from must be running. In this case we’ll use Logic Pro as our Example, so make sure Logic is running before proceeding to the next step.

Starting a Stream

Once Logic is running,, you need to VO Right to look for the “share screen” button. VO Space on that to select the application from which you want to stream. . VO Right through the list until you see Logic Pro then VO Space on it. Press VO End and you’ll get to a “go live” button, then VO Space on that.

If this is your first time streaming, you’ll see a message about Discord requiring screen permissions of which you’ll need to allow in system settings > privacy and security > screen recording. There will be a toggle switch which you must set to on for Discord. You will only need to do this once.

After screen sharing permissions are allowed and you’ve VO Spaced on the “Go Live” button, you’ll hear a sound indicateing that you’re live, and other users in the channel will also hear a sound notifying them that a live stream started. They can then join your stream if they wish, and you will hear a sound notifying you when a user has joined. Once they join, they will be able to hear your audio in stereo and follow along with what you’re doing.

Note that if you’re in voice chat, those who did not join your stream will still be in the Voice Channel with you, because the audio for voice chat and the stream itself are separate.

Clipping Audio

Another useful thing about Discord is it will let your viewers know when your audio has gone over zero. So if, at any point, someone tells you that your stream is making a crackling sound, this means your stream or elements of your stream are clipping, so you’ll need to turn the audio down of the app you’re streaming from. In a mixing environment, it’s usually a case of levels not being fully adjusted and things peaking where they shouldn’t, because remember, nothing should ever be above zero. So balance the levels of your vocals and instruments accordingly, and everything should sound good.

Ending a Stream

Any time you want to end the stream, just close the application you’re streaming from. Alternatively, you can look in the user area for the “stop stream” button. A sound will play indicating the end of your stream.
Tip: If you ended it by accident, or want to stream something else, you have approximately 5 minutes to re-share your screen and users will be automatically connected so they don’t have to rejoin.

Happy Streaming!