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KeyCommands List

If you are already familiar with using Logic, there are a few changes from the default key commands you should be aware of. These KeyCommands are based on the default (US) Logic key commands now updated for version 10.5 or later, but with some minor changes. I remapped the SpaceBar to make logic’s playback behavior more in line with other DAW’s. The default Logic Playback behavior can be found by pressing ⌃⌘Space.
Since there are specific commands to “Create Folder Stack ” (⇧⌘H) and to “Create Summing Stack ” (⇧⌘G), I remapped the command to “Create Track Stack…” (⇧⌘D), which would just open. A Dialog and ask you to choose whether to create a folder stack or a summing stack. Now ⇧⌘D will Duplicate a track and it’s Settings and Regions. Coincidentally I remapped the Open Track Stack and Close Track Stack keys as I added a single key command to Open/Close Track Stack which is ⌥Accent.
Also I personally set VoiceOver to only use the CapsLock key thus freeing up more options for modifier keys. You will have to make this change yourself in the VoiceOver Utility found by pressing VO+F8. See this tutorial for more details on how to change your VO Keys to CapsLock.
If you don’t set VoiceOver to use capsLock only, you will have to press VO+TAB to pass through any KeyCommand with Control & Option as modifier keys.
And of course, if you haven’t already done so, grab a copy of the Logic Keyboard Ninja Key Commands File. Installation instructions if needed can be found on the Key Commands Installation page.
For German users, Marco Z has created a more German Keyboard friendly version of these key commands. Check the readme file included in the download for the details.

Key Commands

  1. Play & Record
  2. More Transport And Project Navigation
  3. Saving
  4. Exporting
  5. Tracks
  6. Selecting Regions
  7. More on Selecting Regions
  8. Converting Regions/Changing Region Length
  9. Drummer & MIDI Regions, And The Event List
  10. Nudge
  11. Locators
  12. Punch In/Out Locators
  13. Markers
  14. Takes
  15. Track Alternative
  16. Plug Ins
  17. Fades
  18. Tempo
  19. Misc
  20. Quantize
  21. Automation
  22. Show/Hide

Play & Record

Play or Stop: ⌃⌘Space
Think of this as a Play/Pause command. With each press of this key command, the playhead will pause or resume playback from the current playhead position. e.g. If you start playing from the beginning of the project and then press ⌃⌘Space around measure/bar 3, when you press ⌃⌘Space again, playback will resume from that exact spot around measure/bar 3 where it was “paused”.
Play or Stop and Go to Last Locate Position: Space
Playback will always start from the last place you moved the playhead to. E.g. If you start playback from the beginning of the project, and press Space around measure/bar 3, playback will stop and the playhead will return to the start of the project. The next time you hit Space playback will start from the beginning again. If you were to use one of the Project Navigation methods outlined below to move the playhead to say measure/bar 3, playback will now resume from bar 3 whenever you press Space.
Record: R
Press to start recording. Press Space to stop recording. Press Space again to playback what you just recorded.
Record/Record Toggle: * (on the NumPad)
Stops recording but continues playback. Press again to resume recording from current playhead position.
Capture as Recording: ⇧R
On a MIDI track if you start playing with out hitting record first and you liked your performance this will allow you to capture it after the fact.
Record/Record Repeat: ⌃⌥R
Deletes recording, moves playhead back to recording start position, and start recording again.
Discard Recording and Return to Last Play Position: ⌘Period
Deletes recording and move the playhead back to the last play position. Unlike Record/Record Repeat, you will need to manually begin a new recording.

  • Record Into Cell ⌥R
  • Play Enter (On The NumPad)
  • Pause Period (On The NumPad)
  • Stop 0 (On The NumPad)
  • Preview Selection-Based Processing ⌥⇧Space
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More Transport & Project Navigation

  • Play from Previous Bar * ⌃Space
  • Play from Beginning ⌥⇧⌘Return
  • Go to Beginning Return
  • Go to End of Last Region * ⌥Return
  • Go to Position… /
  • Rewind (moves back by measure) Comma
  • Forward (move Forward by measure) Period
  • Fast Rewind * (Moves back by 8 Measures) ⇧Comma
  • Fast Forward * (Moves Forward by 8 Measures) ⇧Period
  • Rewind by Division Value * ⌃⌘Comma
  • Forward by Division Value * ⌃⌘Period
  • Rewind one 1/8 Note * ⌃⇧⌘Comma
  • Forward one 1/8 Note * ⌃⇧⌘Period
  • Rewind one 1/16 Note *⌃⌥⌘Comma
  • Forward one 1/16 Note *⌃⌥⌘Period
  • Set Next Higher Division * ⌃/
  • Set Next Lower Division * ⌃⇧/
  • Set Division Value to 1/4 Note * ⌃⌘/
  • Set Division Value to 1/8 Note * ⌃⇧⌘/
  • Set Division Value to 1/16 Note * ⌃⌥⌘/
  • Set Division Value to 1/32 Note * ⌃⌥/
  • Set Division Value to 1/64 Note * ⌃⌥⇧/
  • Rewind by Transient * ⌃Comma
  • Forward by Transient * ⌃Period
  • Rewind one Frame * ⌃⇧Comma
  • Forward one Frame * ⌃⇧Period
  • Shuttle Rewind * ⌃⌥⇧Comma
  • Shuttle Forward * ⌃⌥⇧Period

Workflow Tip

I would recommend setting the division value to be a beat or 1/4th note as its listed in logic with ⇧/. This way you can use Comma and Period to move by measure, use ⌃⌘Comma and ⌃⌘Period to move by beats and use ⌃⌥⌘Comma and ⌃⌥⌘Period to move by 16th note divisions through out the project.
For more on moving through a logic project see the navigating section on the “Getting Started With Logic” page.

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  • Save ⌘S
  • Save Project as… ⇧⌘S
  • Save and Clean up Project * ⌃⌥⇧⌘S
  • New Project Alternative… ⌃⌘S
  • Export Alternative as Project… ⌃⇧⌘S

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  • Export Tracks as Audio Files… ⌘E
  • Export All Tracks as Audio Files… ⇧⌘E
  • Export Selection as Audio File… ⌃⌥E
  • Export Regions as Audio Files… ⌃⌥⇧E
  • Export Selection as MIDI File… ⌥⌘E
  • Export All MIDI Tracks as MIDI File… ⌥⇧⌘E
  • Export Audio to Movie… ⌃⌥⌘E

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  • New Tracks ⌥⌘N
  • New Audio Track ⌥⌘A
  • New Software Instrument Track ⌥⌘S
  • New Drummer Track ⌥⌘U
  • New External MIDI Track ⌥⌘X
  • New Track with Duplicate Settings (Duplicate track & its Settings only) ⌘D
  • New Track with Duplicate Settings and content (Duplicates Track, Settings, And All Regions on the Track) ⇧⌘D
  • Delete Track ⌘⌫
  • Delete unused Tracks ⇧⌘⌫
  • Rename Track ⇧Return
  • Select Previous Track * ↑
  • Select Next Track * ↓
  • Extend Track Selection Up * ⇧↑
  • Extend Track Selection Down * ⇧↓
  • Extend Track Selection to Top * ⌃⇧↑
  • Extend Track Selection to Bottom * ⌃⇧↓
  • Select All Tracks ⌥⇧⌘A
  • Hide/Show Selected Track(s) ⌃H
  • Unhide All Tracks ⌃⇧H
  • Toggle Channel Strip Mute * M
  • Mute off for all * ⌃⇧M
  • Toggle Channel Strip Solo * S
  • Clear/Recall Solo (Solo off for all) ⌃⌥⌘S
  • Toggle Track Record Enable * ⌃R
  • Record off for all * ⌃⌥⇧⌘R
  • Toggle Channel Strip Input Monitoring * ⌃I
  • Toggle Track Freeze * ⌥⇧⌘F
  • Toggle Channel Strip Format (mono/stereo) * ⌃⇧S
  • Next Channel Strip Setting of focused Track ⇧RightBracket ( ] )
  • Previous Channel Strip Setting of focused Track ⇧LeftBracket ( [ )
  • Copy Channel Strip Setting ⌥⌘C
  • Paste Channel Strip Setting ⌥⌘V
  • Paste Channel Strip Setting Plug-Ins Only ⌥⇧⌘V
  • Paste Channel Strip Setting Sends Only ⌥⇧V
  • Reset Channel Strip Setting ⌥⌘Return
  • Remove Empty Insert Slots ⌃⇧I
  • Remove Bypassed Plug-Ins ⌃⇧B
  • Remove All Effect Plug-Ins ⌃⇧A
  • Remove All Sends ⌃⇧E
  • Bypass All Effect Plug-Ins ⇧B
  • Save Channel Strip Setting as… ⌥⇧⌘S
  • Delete Channel Strip Setting ⌥⇧⌘⌫
  • Create Folder Stack * ⇧⌘H
  • Create Summing Stack *⇧⌘G
  • Flatten Stack ⇧⌘U
  • Open/Close Track Stack * ⌥Accent
  • Open/Close All Track Stacks * ⌥⇧Accent

Workflow Tip

“Folder Stack” allows you to group tracks so you can mute and solo, adjust volume, pan, and etc for a group of tracks from one fader or track header. “Summing Stack” actually routes the output of all the tracks in the stack to a bus, so in addition to all the things a folder track can do you can also put effects on a summing stack to effect all tracks in the stack at once. You can also record MIDI data on a summing stack to trigger all the software instruments inside of the track stack at once. You can unstac either folder or summing tracks with the flatten stacks command.

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Selecting Regions

  • Select Previous Region/Event or Move Marquee End (or Marquee Point) to Previous Transient ←
  • Select Next Region/Event or Move Marquee End (or Marquee Point) to Next Transient →
  • Toggle Previous Region/Event or Move Marquee Start (or Extend Marquee Selection) to Previous Transient ⇧←
  • Toggle Next Region/Event or Move Marquee Start (or Extend Marquee Selection) to Next Transient ⇧→
  • Set Marquee to Selection * ⇧⌘\
  • Set Region/Event/Marquee Start to Playhead Position ⌘LeftBracket ( [ )
  • Set Region/Event/Marquee End to Playhead Position ⌘RightBracket ( ] )
  • Go to Selection Start ⌃Home
  • Go to Selection End ⌃End
  • Play from Selection ⇧Space

Workflow Tip

The above commands are mostly contextual. Right and Left arrow will select the next and previous regions respectively. If you have a marquee selection however, Right and left arrows will adjust the end point of said marquee selection forward or backwards by a transient. This is a great way to fine tune where a marquee selection ends.
Similarly, Shift Right and Shift Left arrows Will extend the selected region to include the next or previous region respectively. If you have a marquee selection however Shift Right and Shift Left arrows will adjust the start point of the selection forward or backward by transient. This is a great way to fine tune the start point of any marquee selection.
The ⌘LeftBracket ( [ ) and ⌘RightBracket ( ] ) KeyCommands will set the start point or end point of a selected region to where ever the playhead is. This is a quick way to trim a region. However if you have a marquee selection ⌘LeftBracket ( [ ) and ⌘RightBracket ( ] ) will set where the marquee selection start and end points are. So you can use ⌘LeftBracket ( [ ) and ⌘RightBracket ( ] ) to set where a marquee selection starts and end after converting a selection to a marquee selection with ⇧⌘\. Once you have the start and end points set, you can fine tune the start point if needed with Shift Left and Right arrows, and the end point with Left and Right arrows.
For other ways to make selections, see the “Making Selections” section on the “Getting Started With Logic” Page. Useful pointers can also be found on the [Frequently Encountered Scenario page.

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More Selecting & Editing Regions

  • Split Regions/Events at Playhead Position ⌘T
  • Join Regions/Notes ⌘J
  • Join Regions per Tracks / Fill Cell J
  • Move Region/Event to Playhead Position (Pickup Clock) SemiColon ( ; )
  • Move Region/Event to Playhead Position and Select Next Region/Event (Pickup Clock+) * ⇧SemiColon ( ; )
  • Region Inspector Float ⌥⇧R
  • Solo Mode (Toggle Solo for selected Region) ⌃S
  • Mute Notes/Regions/Folders On/Off (Toggle Mute for selected region) ⌃M
  • Delete Region Delete
  • Delete and Move (Delete region moving any following region up to fill the gap) ⇧⌫
  • Repeat Regions/Cells/Events ⌘R
  • Repeat Regions/Events Multiple Times… ⇧⌘R
  • Refresh Region ⇧⌘/
  • Region Gain +1 dB * ⌥⇧⌘↑
  • Region Gain -1 dB * Key ⌥⇧⌘↓
  • Region Gain +0.1 dB * ⌥⇧⌘→
  • Region Gain -0.1 dB * ⌥⇧⌘←
  • Select All Regions of Selected Tracks * ⇧A
  • Select All Regions/Cells of Same Track ⌃⇧⌘A
  • Deselect All ⇧D
  • Deselect All Regions/Cells except on Focused Track * ⌃⌥⇧D
  • Invert Selection ⇧I
  • Select All Following ⇧F
  • Select All Following of Same Track/Pitch ⌃⇧F
  • Time Stretch Region Length to Nearest Bar ⌥⌘B
  • Set Optimal Region Sizes Rounded by Bar ⌃
  • Trim Region Start to Previous Region ⌃⇧\
  • Trim Region End to Next Region ⇧\
  • Trim Region Start to Previous Transient ⌃⇧LeftBracket ( [ )
  • Trim Region Start to Next Transient ⌃⇧RightBracket ( ] )
  • Trim Region End to Previous Transient ⌃LeftBracket ( [ )
  • Trim Region End to Next Transient ⌃RightBracket ( ] )
  • Trim Regions to Fill within Locators ⌥\
  • Move Selected Regions to Focused Track ⌃⇧T
  • Copy Selected Regions to Focused Track ⌃⇧V

Workflow Tip

Logic does select all regions on a track when you Navigate to a new track in the track header area. However, when you select a region in the track background area inside the track contents area, it will not change what track is selected in the track header area. To use the move selected region to selected track or copy selected region to selected track you will need to first select the track you want regions moved/copied to in the track header area, then in the Track Contents area, interact with a particular tracks background area and select the region you want to move or copy with VO+Space before issuing those commands. As logic does not Change the selected track When you select a region on a different track in this manner, the move or copy command will move or copy the region to the track that is selected in the track header.
Other means of making selections can be found on the “Frequently Encountered Scenario” or the [“Getting Started With Logic” pages.

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Convert Regions/Change Region Length

  • Convert to MIDI Region/Cell ⌃⌥⌘M
  • Convert to Drummer Region/Cell * ⌃⇧⌘D
  • Convert Alias to a Region Copy ⌃A
  • Convert Regions to New Regions ⌥⌘R
  • Convert Regions to New Audio Files ⌥⌘F
  • Convert Regions to New Sampler Track ⌃E
  • Convert Loops to Regions ⌃L
  • Change Region/Cell/Event Length… ⇧⌘L
  • Double Region/Cell/Event Length ⌃⌘L
  • Halve Region/Cell/Event Length ⌃⌥⌘L
  • Set Optimal Region/Cell Lengths Rounded by Bar ⌃\
  • Set Optimal Region/Cell Lengths Rounded by Note Value * ⌃⌘\

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Drummer & MIDI Regions, And The Event List

  • Create Drummer Region/Cell ⌃⌥⇧⌘D
  • Populate Track with Drummer Regions ⌃⇧D
  • Refresh Region ⇧⌘/
  • Create Pattern Region/Cell ⌃⌥⇧⌘C
  • Create MIDI Region/Cell ⌃⌥⇧⌘M
  • Create Event ⌃⌥⇧⌘E
  • Duplicate Event and Numerical Edit * ⌘D
  • Copy Value to All Following Events * ⇧V
  • Select Previous Region/Cell/Event of Same Type/Number * ⌃⌘←
  • Select Next Region/Cell/Event of Same Type/Number * ⌃⌘→
  • Select Similar Regions/Events ⇧S
  • Delete Similar Regions/Events * ⇧⌦
  • Delete but Keep Similar Regions/Events * ⌥⇧⌦
  • Delete and Select Next Region/Event * ⌦
  • DeleteDuplicated MIDI Events ⌥D
  • Delete MIDI Events Outside Region Boundaries ⌥⌦
  • Delete MIDI Events Inside Locators ⌥⌘⌦ (⌥⌘FN Delete on laptop keyboard)
  • Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators ⌥⇧⌘⌦ (⌥⇧⌘FN Delete on Laptop Keyboard)

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  • Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Nudge Value ⌥→
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Nudge Value ⌥←
  • Set Nudge Value to Bar ⌃⌥M
  • Set Nudge Value to Beat ⌃⌥B
  • Set Nudge Value to Division ⌃⌥D
  • Set Nudge Value to Tick ⌃⌥T
  • Set Nudge Value to 10 ms ⌃⌥0
  • Set Nudge Value to 1 ms ⌃⌥1
  • Set Nudge Value to Sample ⌃⌥S
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Sample * ⌥1
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Sample * ⌥2
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Left by Tick * ⌥3
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Right by Tick * ⌥4
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Left by SMPTE Frame * ⌥5
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Right by SMPTE Frame * ⌥6
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Left by 1 ms * ⌥7
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Right by 1 ms * ⌥8
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Left by 10 ms * ⌥9
  • Nudge Region/Event Position Right by 10 ms * ⌥0
  • Slip Left by Nudge Value * ⌃⌥LeftArrow
  • Slip Right by Nudge Value * ⌃⌥RightArrow
  • Rotate Left by Nudge Value ⌃⌥⌘LeftArrow
  • Rotate Right by Nudge Value ⌃⌥⌘RightArrow
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Nudge Value * ⌥⇧←
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Nudge Value * ⌥⇧→
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Sample * ⌥⇧1
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Sample * ⌥⇧2
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Left by Tick * ⌥⇧3
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Right by Tick *⌥⇧4
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Left by SMPTE Frame * ⌥⇧5
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Right by SMPTE Frame * ⌥⇧6
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Left by 1 ms * ⌥⇧7
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Right by 1 ms * ⌥⇧8
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Left by 10 ms * ⌥⇧9
  • Nudge Region/Event Length Right by 10 ms * ⌥⇧0
  • Move Selection with First Transient to Nearest Beat ⌃⌥⇧B

Workflow Tip

You can nudge a region right and left with ⌥→ and ⌥←. To set what value the regions are nudged by use one of the “Set Nudge Value to” options to set how far right and left ⌥→ or ⌥← will nudge. You can also set nudge value by Edit menu > Move > Set Nudge Value. To nudge a region by different nudge values on the fly without having to constantly change the amounts ⌥→ and ⌥← are set to, use one of the “Nudge Region/Event Position Left/Right by” key commands.

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  • Set Left Locator by Playhead ⌥⌘LeftBracket ( [ )
  • Set Right Locator by Playhead ⌥⌘RightBracket ( ] )
  • Set Left Locator by Rounded Playhead * ⌥⇧⌘LeftBracket ( [ )
  • Set Right Locator by Rounded Playhead * ⌥⇧⌘RightBracket ( ] )
  • Set Left Locator numerically… ⌥⇧⌘Home
  • Set Right Locator numerically… ⌥⇧⌘End
  • Set Locators/Loop by Regions/Events/Marquee * ⌃U
  • Set Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee and Enable Cycle ⌘U
  • Set Rounded Locators by Regions/Events and Enable Cycle U
  • Set Locators and Play * ⌥⌘⇟
  • Set Rounded Locators and Play * ⌥⇧⌘⇟
  • Set Rounded Locators and Cycle Play * ⌃⌥⇧⌘⇟
  • Set Rounded Locators and Record * ⌥⇧⌘⇞
  • Set Rounded Locators and Cycle Record * ⌃⌥⇧⌘⇞
  • Go to Left Locator ⌥⌘Home
  • Go to Right Locator ⌥⌘End
  • Swap Left and Right Locators =
  • Double Cycle/Loop Length * ⌥⇧⌘Period
  • Halve Cycle/Loop Length * ⌥⇧⌘Comma
  • Move Locators/Loop Backwards by 1 Bar * ⌥⌘comma
  • Move Locators/Loop Forward by 1 Bar * ⌥⌘Period
  • Move Locators Backwards by Cycle Length / Loop Backwards by Loop Length ⇧⌘Comma
  • Move Locators Forward by Cycle Length / Loop Forward by Loop Length ⇧⌘Period
  • Select all between locators ⇧L
  • Deselect Outside Locators ⌥⇧⌘D
  • Delete MIDI Events Inside Locators ⌥⌘⌦ (⌥⌘FN Delete on laptop keyboard)
  • Delete MIDI Events Outside Locators ⌥⇧⌘⌦ (⌥⇧⌘FN Delete on Laptop Keyboard)
  • Split Regions/Events at Locators or Marquee Selection ⌃⌘T
  • Repeat Section Between Locators (Selection) ⌃⌥⇧R
  • Repeat Section Between Locators (Global) ⌃⌘R)
  • Insert Silence Between Locators (Selection) * ⌃⌥⇧Z
  • Insert Silence Between Locators (Global) ⌃⌘Z
  • Copy Section Between Locators (Global) ⌃⌘C
  • Copy Section Between Locators (Selection) * ⌃⌥⇧C
  • Cut Section Between Locators (Selection) * ⌃⌥⇧X
  • Cut Section Between Locators (Global) ⌃⌘X
  • Insert Section at Playhead (Selection) * ⌃⌥⇧V
  • Insert Section at Playhead (Global) ⌃⌘V
  • Adjust Tempo using Region Length and Locators ⌥⇧⌘T
  • Time Stretch Region Length to Locators ⌥⌘L
  • Trim Regions to Fill within Locators ⌥\
  • Crop Regions/Cells outside Locators/Playable Range or Marquee Selection ⌘
  • Set Locators by Marker and Enable Cycle * ⌃⌥C
  • Set Locators by Previous Marker and Enable Cycle * ⌃⌥Comma
  • Set Locators by Next Marker and Enable Cycle * ⌃⌥Period
  • Go to Previous Marker And Set Locators * ⌥Comma
  • Go to Next Marker And Set Locators * ⌥Period

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Punch In/Out Locators

  • Set Punch In Locator by Playhead ⌃⌥⌘I
  • Set Punch Out Locator by Playhead ⌃⌥⌘O
  • Set Punch In Locator by Rounded Playhead * ⌃⌥⇧⌘I
  • Set Punch Out Locator Point by Rounded Playhead * ⌃⌥⇧⌘O
  • Set Punch Locators by Regions/Events/Marquee * ⌃⌥⌘U
  • Set Rounded Punch Locators by Regions/Events * ⌃⌥⇧⌘U
  • Set Punch Locators by Cycle Locators * ⌃⌥⇧⌘P
  • Autopunch Mode ⌃⌥⌘P

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  • Create Marker ⌥Apostrophe
  • Create Marker without rounding ⌃⌥Apostrophe
  • Create Marker for Selected Regions ⌥⇧Apostrophe
  • Create Marker by Cycle Area * ⌥⌘Apostrophe
  • Delete Marker ⌥⌫
  • Go to previous Marker ⌥⇧Comma
  • Go to Next Marker ⌥⇧Period
  • Go to marker number ⌥/
  • Rename Marker ⇧Apostrophe
  • Go to Marker 1 through 9 Numbed 1 through 9
  • Go to Marker 10 through 19 Control 0 through 9
  • Show/Hide Marker List ⌥⇧M

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  • Un/disclose Take Folder * ⌥F
  • Flatten Take Folder/Cell * ⌥⇧U
  • Flatten and Merge Take Folder/Cell * ⌥U
  • Rename Take or Comp * ⇧T
  • Delete Take or Comp * ⌥⇧⌫
  • Export Active Take or Comp to New Track ⌃⌥⇧N
  • Move Active Take or Comp to New Track * ⌃⌥N
  • Select Previous Take or Comp * ⇧⌘↑
  • Select Next Take or Comp * ⇧⌘↓

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Track Alternative

  • New Track Alternative ⌃⌥⌘N
  • Duplicate Track Alternative ⌃⌥⌘D
  • Delete Inactive Track Alternatives ⌃⌥⌘⌦
  • Rename Track Alternative by Selected Region ⌃⌥⇧⌘N
  • Rename Track Alternative ⌃⌥⌘Return
  • Show/Hide Inactive Track Alternatives ⌃⌥A
  • Show/Hide All Inactive Track Alternatives * ⌃⌥⇧A
  • Activate Next Track Alternative * ⌃⌥↑
  • Activate Previous Track Alternative * ⌃⌥↓

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Plug Ins

  • Open/Close Instrument Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘Accent
  • Open/Close Audio Insert 1 Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘1
  • Open/Close Audio Insert 2 Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘2
  • Open/Close Audio Insert 3 Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘3
  • Open/Close Audio Insert 4 Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘4
  • Open/Close Audio Insert 5 Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘5
  • Open/Close Audio Insert 6 Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘6
  • Open/Close Audio Insert 7 Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘7
  • Open/Close Audio Insert 8 Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘8
  • Open/Close Audio Insert 9 Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘9
  • Open/Close Audio Insert 10 Plug-in Window of focused Track * ⌥⌘0

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  • Apply Default Crossfade ⌃⌥X
  • Apply Last Edited Fade Again ⌥⇧X
  • Remove Fades ⇧X
  • Audio Crossfade Options for Merge… * ⌥X
  • Create Volume Fade Out on Main Output ⌃⌥O

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  • Tap Tempo * ⌃⌥⌘=
  • Open Tempo List… ⌥⇧T
  • Flex/Follow Tempo On/Off * ⌃F
  • Create Tempo Change * ⌃⌥⇧⌘T
  • Show/Hide Tempo Track ⇧⌘T
  • Adjust Tempo using Region Length and Locators ⌥⇧⌘T
  • Detect Tempo of Selected Region… * ⌥⌘T

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  • Toggle Pre-Fader Metering ⌃⇧⌘F
  • Toggle Varispeed ⌃⇧⌘V
  • Remove Silence from Audio Region… ⌃X
  • Reverse On/Off * ⌃⇧R
  • Select Previous Project * ⌃⇞
  • Select Next Project * ⌃⇟

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  • Quantize Selected Regions/Cells/Events Q
  • Undo Quantization ⌥⌘Q
  • Set Quantize Parameter to Next Value * ⌃⌥Q
  • Set Quantize Parameter to Previous Value * ⌃⌥⇧Q
  • Apply Quantization Permanently ⌃Q
  • Advanced Quantization Parameters ⇧Q

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  • Create 1 Track Automation Point at Region Borders ⌃⇧⌘1
  • Create 2 Track Automation Points at Region Borders ⌃⇧⌘2
  • Create 1 Track Automation Point at Every Region Border * ⌃⌘1
  • Create 2 Track Automation Points at Every Region Border * ⌃⌘2
  • Create 1 Track Automation Point each for Volume, Pan, Sends ⌃⌘3
  • Create 2 Track Automation Points each for Volume, Pan, Sends ⌃⌘4
  • Create 1 Track Automation Point for Visible Parameter ⌃⌘5
  • Create 2 Track Automation Points for Visible Parameter ⌃⌘6
  • Delete Visible Automation on Selected Tracks ⌃⌘⌫
  • Delete All Automation on Selected Tracks ⌃⇧⌘⌫
  • Delete Orphaned Automation on Selected Tracks ⌃⇧⌫
  • Delete Redundant Automation Points ⌃⌫

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”For the actions that have both a “Show/Hide” option and a “Open” option; Show/Hide will show or hide the particular view as a tab in the main window. “Open” will open it in its own Window. When its opened in its own window you can use Command+Accent ( ` ) to cycle between it and all other open windows in logic.
  • Open Main Window… ⌘1
  • Open Mixer… ⌘2
  • Show/Hide Mixer X
  • Open Event List… ⌘7
  • Show/Hide Event Float ⌥E
  • Show/Hide Musical Typing… ⌘K
  • Open Smart Controls ⌘3
  • Show/Hide Smart Controls B
  • Open Piano Roll… ⌘4
  • Show/Hide Piano Roll * P
  • Show/Hide Loop Browser O
  • Show/Hide Browsers F
  • Show/Hide Inspector I
  • Show/Hide Library Y
  • Open Audio File Editor…⌘6
  • Show/Hide Audio File Editor * W
  • Show/Hide Editor E
  • Show/Hide List Editors D
  • Show/Hide Note Pad ⌥⌘P
  • Show/Hide Groups Window ⌥⇧G
  • Show/Hide All Plug-in Windows V
  • Show/Hide Selection-Based Processing ⌥⇧P
  • Show/Hide Automation A
  • Show/Hide Movie Track ⇧⌘O
  • Show/Hide Output Track ⇧⌘M
  • Show/Hide Flex Pitch/Time ⌘F

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