Frequently Encountered Scenarios in Logic

1. How To Record
2. Importing MP3/Audio/MIDI files
3. More About Recording
4. Selecting
5. More On Selecting
6. Adding FX

Scenario 1: How do I record?

When first creating a new project, (Command+N), you will be prompted to choose a new blank Audio or Software Instrument/MIDI track among others to be added to the project when its created. For more on this see the ‘Test Audio Recording’ heading on the Getting Started page. Alternatively, check out the Recording Audio or the Recording Midi tutorials on youtube.

  1. If Needed, insert a new Track into the project. Command+Option+A (Audio), or Command+Option+S (Software Instrument/Midi).
  2. Toggle “Record Enable” on for the new track for recording. Control+R
  3. Press Record to start recording. R
  4. Press stop when done recording. SpaceBar
  5. Toggle “Record Enable” off for the track you just recorded on. Control+R

Press Return to go back to the start of the project and press SpaceBar to playback what you just recorded. Repeat steps 1 through 5 to record on more tracks from the start of the project.
If you don’t hear anything when you playback your recording, verify that you have the right sound card or Audio Interface selected and verify that the right input is selected. See the ‘Installing And Configuring Audio’ heading and the ‘Test Audio Recording’ heading on the Getting Started page for more info.
Also as Logic automatically will record to the selected track you can skip record enabling, steps 2 and 5, unless recording to multiple tracks at once.

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Scenario 2: Importing MP3 And Other Audio/MIDI Files (e.g. for use as a backing track)

How do I import an mp3 or other media file into a project?

  • Press the Return key to make sure you are at the start of the Project. If you don’t want the imported file to start at the beginning, Navigate to the point in the project where you want the imported file to begin playing from. You can use Period or Comma to move through the project by measure, or press slash and enter an exact measure to move the playhead to.
  1. Insert a New Track. Command+Option+A (Audio) or Command+Option+S (Software Instrument/MIDI).
  2. Bring up the Import Audio dialog. Command+Shift+I. (For midi use File Menu > Importing >MIDI File)

This should bring up a standard open file dialog. Navigate to and select the file you want to import to add it to Logic.
You can also quickly and simply import any amount of audio or MIDI file into a project by simply locating and selecting them in finder, and copying it. You can then Command+Tab back to Logic and so long as you are in the main arrangement window, press command+V to paste them into the project. This will add a track at the end of the track list with the new file(s). If you are pasting multiple files simultaneously into Logic this way, you will be prompted to choose whether you would like them on one track or separate tracks. Be aware however, there is a slight bug with this method that makes it not useable once you have copied and pasted from one point in the project to another without restarting Logic first.
Alternatively you can toggle the media browser visible with its HotKey “F” and use that to import media into a project.

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Scenario 3: More On Recording

I need to record a new track. The recording has to start at measure 17, and I need to hear what’s on the other tracks.

  1. Toggle “Record Enable” off for the last track you recorded on. (Skip this step if you didn’t previously record a track). Control+R
  2. Insert a new Track into the project. Command+Option+A (Audio), or Command+Option+S (SoftwareInstrument/Midi)
  3. Toggle “Record Enable” on for the new track. Control+R
  4. Use Go To Position Dialog to move to measure 17. Slash (/) – (then enter 17 or the measure you would like to go to and press Return)
  5. Press Record to start recording. R
    6.Press stop when done recording. SpaceBar

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Scenario 4: Selecting

After measure 20, playback is paused, and I want to select all before the 20 seconds. How do I do this on one or all tracks?

  1. Select the track you want to do this on. Up/Down Arrows (Add SHIFT to select contiguous tracks)
  2. Ensure you are at the start of the project (Return), and Set a Left Locator. Command+Option+[
  3. Press play. SpaceBar
  4. When at place where you want selection to end,Press Pause. Control+Command+SPACEBar
  5. Set a right Locator. Command+Option+]
  6. Split Regions/Events at Locators or Marquee Selection. Command+Control+T
  • Note You can use the Go To Position Dialog (slash) in place of STEP 3/4 If you know you need to get to exactly measure 20.
  • You can now Copy (Command+C)or CUT (Command+X) the Selected area.
  • Once you have the item Cut or Copied, you can navigate to another point in the project and paste with Command+V. (
  • Now, if you want to select across all tracks, then press shift+L after you set the left and right locators. This command selects all regions from all tracks that fall with in the locators. You can then press control+command+T to split at locators across all tracks. Again, Logic will automatically select all of your newly created regions.

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Scenario 5: More On Selecting

Between measure 51 and 57, I want to delete a part or add an FX? How do I do this for a single track or all tracks?

  1. Select all tracks you want to do this with. Up/DownArrows, (add Shift to select contiguous tracks)
  2. Bring up the Go To Position Dialog. Slash (then enter 51 or the measure you want to go to and then press return)
  3. Insert A Left Locator. Command+Option+[
  4. Bring up the Go To Position Dialog. Slash (then enter 57 or the measure you want and press Return)
  5. Insert Right Locator. Command+Option+]
  6. Split Regions/Events at Locators or Marquee Selection. Command+Control+T
    7A. If you want to delete the selected regions press the Delete key.
    7B. If you want later items to move in and fill the gap of the audio you just Deleted, you will need to use the “Delete and Move” command. Shift+Delete
    7C. If your goal is to add an effect to the Selected Item then after step 6, you will need to use the “Selection-Based Processing” Dialog. Shift+Option+P
  • To add an effect you will have to work with one track/region at a time.

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Scenario 6: Adding FX To A Track

how do I add FX to a track, and how do I adjust them?

  1. Navigate to the track you would like to add an effect to. Up/Down Arrows
  2. Stop interacting with the tracks area, navigate to the inspector and interact with it. In there navigate to the Mixer layout area and interact with it and the channel strip that will share a name wit the selected track. In there navigate to and interact with the audio fx slot and and Select a blank one to bring up the add FX menu.
    You can also open the mixer in a new window with Command+2, and navigate to the channel strip you would like to add an effect to. Once on that channel strip you can interact and navigate to a blank audio fx slot. Interact with and select that slot to bring up the add fx menu. Once done with the FX dialog you can Close it with Command+W, and or toggle between it and the Mixer and the main tracks headers window with Command+Accent (the key above the TAB key).

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