Installing Komplete Kontrol

New to the world of Komplete Kontrol? This guide walks you through how to get up and running from the standpoint of someone using a screen reader.
There are three main steps to getting up and running with Komplete Kontrol. First you will need to download and install native access from native instruments’ website. Secondly you will need to install Native access, sign into your Native Instruments account and use Native Access to install all your native instruments products. Thirdly you will need to open the standalone Komplete Kontrol app, and let it scan all your products. Once you complete these steps, you can load up Komplete Kontrol on an instrument track in Logic, and start exploring all your sounds!

Downloading And Installing Native Access

  1. Visit the Native Instruments website and download Native Access. Be sure to download the appropriate version for your computer. IF you have a brand new Mac choose the apple silicon version. For older Macs, verify if you are on an Intel Mac or Apple Silicon Mac and download that version.
  2. Once the download finishes (signified by a sound) You can go to your downloads folder in Finder to start the installation. If you aren’t familiar with how to do this, press and hold the command key while pressing the Tab key repeatedly until you are in Finder. Once in Finder, press Command Option L to get to your downloads folder.
  3. In your downloads folder find the Native Access file. This will most likely be a .dmg file, which you can open I by pressing Command Down arrow on the file.
  4. It will open a new Finder window, but in Icon view. Which may not be the easiest view to navigate finder in, so I’d suggest switching it to Columns view with Command 3. Next find the Native Access application file and copy it with command C. Navigate up to the Applications Alias and paste the file with Command V. This should copy the Native Access application and paste it into your application folder. At this point, you can down arrow back to the Native access app and press Command E to eject the disc image.
  5. Press Command Shift A to get into your applications folder and find the Native Access app, then open it with Command Down Arrow. On Launch it should prompt you to sign in with your Native Instruments account. If you don’t already have one it should also give you an option to create one.
  6. Once you are signed in to Native Access, you will want to navigate to the add serial button to add the serial number that came with your Komplete Kontrol keyboard or software. In the case of software purchased from Native Instruments website, it should be added to your account already, but you will still want to add the serial number that came with your keyboard or any software not purchased through Native Instruments own website.
  7. If you have a very large internal drive you can proceed to downloading and Installing your products. However if you have a drive that’s 512GB or under, you may want to have an external drive for all your sample libraries, Especially if you own Komplete Standard or higher. To tell Native access to put the sample libraries on an external drive, you will need to go into the Settings of Native Access. To do this, press Command comma to open settings. Once in settings, Navigate to where it says “Folder Icon File Management tab” and VO Space to select it. Navigate past where it says content Location and VO Space on that. It will open a dialog where you can choose your external drive. Select your external drive from the sidebar,, then navigate over to the open button and VO Space to select it. You will then need to navigate back to the top of the settings or preferences window to VO space on the close button.
  8. When you are back in the main Native Access window, you can navigate to “current page link Available” and VO Space on it to see all the available Libraries you have in your account. If you keep Navigating with VO Right you will eventually find an install all button. You can VO Space on this to start installing everything. If you own a large Collection Like Komplete Standard or higher, this could take a lot of time, so consider doing it before you go to bed or something. You can also navigate through the list of libraries and only install the ones you think you will want , however I’d install Battery, Kontakt, Komplete Kontrol and Reactor before installing anything else if you choose to go the piece meal route, as a lot of libraries will rely on one of those to operate and you will need Komplete Kontrol to use the libraries accessibly with your Komplete Kontrol Keyboard.
  9. After all of your installation is done, you can quit Native Access, and open the Komplete Kontrol standalone app. To do this, in Finder, press Command Shift A to go to your applications folder. In there navigate to Native Instruments > Komplete Kontrol > Komplete Kontrol app. Then press Command Down arrow to launch the Komplete Kontrol app. The Komplete Kontrol app will open a secondary app called Scan App that will start scanning all your plug ins, Instruments and Libraries. If you Press VO F1 twice quickly, to bring up the application chooser, you will see the scan app listed there. Check again from time to time until Scan app isn’t listed in the application chooser anymore. This means it’s done scanning. You can now quit the Komplete Kontrol standalone app.
  10. Now you can open Logic, create a new project with a software instrument track and load Komplete Kontrol as the instrument on that track. Check out this tutorial to see how to add Komplete Kontrol to a track in Logic Pro.
    If you find guides like this one helpful, please consider supporting with a donation or by joining the band by becoming a Youtube channel member. If you have any questions about Komplete Kontrol, check out this blog post.