
***As of this writing most of Flogic’s features are not useable in Logic Versions 10.4.5 or later. (For reference Logic 10.4.5 came out in mid June 2019). While few features still work, A lot of the features like selecting inputs and outputs or selecting/opening different effects, will need to be fixed in an update to Flogic at some point. Regarding things like solo and muting, Logic natively updated what is spoken when you solo and mute a track so Flogic isn’t as necessary for task like that as it once was. For example when you press S, M, or C, to toggle solo or mute of a track or to toggle cycle mode respectively, VoiceOver will now speak the state of these functions. Like wise you can un-solo all tracks with control option command S or un-mute all tracks with Control Shift M. So as priorly stated Flogic isn’t necessary to know the state of these functions as it once was.
As for opening and closing effects plug ins, Command Option 1 through 0 will show/hide the first 10 plug in’s already instantiated on a selected track if you are using the latest logickeyboardninja keycommands. Not as useful as Flogic once was at this task as those key commands can only show or hide an already instantiated effect but can’t be used to insert a plug in on a selected track like Flogic could.
See Below for what works, along with a link to download Flogic, should you choose to use it, in the section below that with a brief description of what Flogic is.

What does Work

  • Toggle Flogic inspector: shift+slash. please note that some of Logic’s keyboard shortcuts may not be available when Flogic inspector is turned on. To re-enable Logic’s keyboard shortcuts, toggle Flogic Inspector off.
    ***note**** If using the 10/5 key commands or the Updated LogicKeyboardNinja keycommands, you may want to remap the Logic inspector to use something other than Shift /, as this is now a key command used in the default US logic key command and may not work to trigger the Logic Inspector. I for example Remapped it to Command Shift /. You will have to reassign this Key Command in Keyboard Maestro. Also you may want to just leave the Logic inspector off for the time being until its updated.

  • Speak display mode (Press twice quickly to choose display mode): command+f12
    Note You may want to use Command F12 twice quickly first to set the display mode to custom, before the other options below will work well.

  • Speak playhead position: command+f1

  • Speak left locator: command+f2
  • Speak right locator: command+f3
    Note If using the logickeyboardninja key commands, You can also use Command Option Left Bracket or Right Bracket to Move the playhead to the left or right locator respectively. This will speak the position of the left and right locator in addition to moving the playhead there. The Flogic Commands of Command F2 and Command F3 will only speak their positions, but will not move the Playhead to them.

  • Speak alternate playhead position (non musical time I.e. Hours minutes seconds etc.): command+f4

  • Speak division value (Press twice quickly to choose division value): command+f6
    ***Note**** Pressing twice will actually let you choose the Time signature which is on 4/4 by default.

What is Flogic

While Logic is very accessible out of the box with VoiceOver, there are still some pieces of information one can gleam by quickly glancing at the screen. Flogic is an Add-On to, extend the functionality of Logic and level the playing field in this regard. These include HotKeys for quickly querying certain global settings and even making changes to them quickly as well. The Flogic Add-On while being free themselves, requires a copy of Keyboard Maestro, Which is a popular 3rd party Mac app for creating custom key commands, macros and otherwise speeding up frequent and common task via the keyboard. And while you can use Flogic with the free trial of Keyboard Maestro, you will eventually want to get a licensed copy to continue using Flogic after the trial runs out. Follow the instructions found in the “Read Me” on the Flogic GitHub page to get things installed and set up.

Installing the Flogic Add-On

Visit the Flogic page on GitHub and review the “Read Me”. The “Read Me” is at a heading level 3 so you can navigate to it quickly. When ready to download the Flogic add-on for logic find the “Clone or Download collapsed summery” and VO+Space on it to expand it, then navigate down to the “Download Zip” option and VO+Space on that to start the download. Installation instructions for both Flogic and the required Keyboard Maestro are found in the “Read Me”. Follow those instructions to get things installed and set up.