Stage Channels

When a stage starts, server members will be notified that a live event is happening. The stage channel will also move to the top of the channel list on the server for easy joining. If you’re familiar with Clubhouse or X Spaces, stage channels work very similarly. If you’re not, essentially a speaker or group of speakers will be the only ones able to talk, everyone else will enter as an audience member. Audience members are muted by default. If an audience member would like to speak or ask a question, they must press the “request to speak” button and a moderator will allow them to speak when appropriate. An audience member can also be invited to speak by a moderator. You can leave comments in text chat at any time.

Becoming a Speaker

If you’ve been invited to speak, a dialogue will pop up asking you to accept or decline. On Mac, just VO right till you get to accept or decline and make your choice. On iOS, you must use screen recognition to find the accept or decline buttons, and they are located at the top left of the screen. If screen recognition is off, the accept and decline buttons will appear as a single accept decline button. Once you accept, you will then have to unmute yourself by toggling the microphone on before you can be heard. On MAC, the key command for mute/unmute is command Shift M.

Speaker Streams

If a speaker is streaming their audio, you will hear it automatically. You can also adjust the volume of the stream to your liking.


Look for the speaker’s name who is streaming. You can easily tell speakers from audience members because it will say “call tile” beside their name. If they are streaming, it will also say “live”. You can use VO Right or tab around to you find it. Then with VO right you’ll find “mute” and “more options.” VO space on “more options” and you’ll find a volume slider where you can use your left and right arrow keys to increase or decrease the volume. Press escape when you’re satisfied.

Additional Notes

if you enter a stage channel before the event starts, music will play. You can mute this music by pressing the “mute music” button found on mobile at the bottom, and the computer in the user area (you can also use item chooser by pressing VO I and start typing “mute”). Otherwise, it will stop once the event begins.

To disconnect, look for the “disconnect quietly” button on mobile, or use Item Chooser on MAC and start typing “dis”.