KeyCommands Installation

If you haven’t yet, Download the LogicKeyboardNinja Key Commands File

The Key Commands file will be in your downloads folder and ready to be moved to its new location.

Move the LogicKeyboardNinja Key Commands.

Firstly, navigate to finder. You can do this by pressing Command and Tab, which is an equivalent to Alt Tab on Windows until VoiceOver tells you that Finder is in-focus.

Now, press Command, Option L which will take you to your downloads folder.

I find that having the Finder display items in columns view is easier to navigate, so if you heard the words ‘Icon View’, you may wish to now press Command 3, which will make the folder switch into columns view instead.

Locate the file called logickeyboardninja.logikcs.

To do this, make sure that you are not using any VoiceOver keys, and that your quicknav setting is off. If you have been using Quicknav, disable it by pressing the left and right arrow keys together. You should hear: ‘Quicknav Off’

If it says on, press this combination again.

Having located logickeyboardninja.logikcs, press Command and C to copy it to the clipboard.

Press Command Shift H to go to your Home folder.

Either type M, U, to go to your Music folder, or use the up/down arrow keys to locate the Music folder.

Press the right arrow to enter it.

Locate the folder called Audio Music Apps.

Press the right arrow to enter it.

Locate the Key Commands Folder.

Press the right arrow to enter it.

Press Command, Option and V to paste the file here.

This moves the file we had previously saved into our downloads folder and places it in your Key Commands folder.

Note 3: If you do not have a Key Commands folder, you will have to create it.

To do this, press Command Shift N for New Folder and type in the name as specified below.

Key Commands

Please type carefully, and with the correct capitalisation as well, for safety.

Once you have typed the name of the folder, press Enter.

Press the right arrow to enter the Key commands folder, and then command option v to paste the file.

Press Command and W to close the Finder window and return you to the Desktop.

Import to Logic Pro

Load Logic Pro.

If you are able to do so, set up a new project, or load an existing one if you’ve already been playing with Logic previously.

To load the keymap, do the following:

Press VO M to bring up the menu bar.

Using the Right arrow key, navigate to the Logic menu and press Enter.

Using the Down arrow key, navigate to the Key Commands sub menu and press the Right Arrow key.

Locate the Presets submenu and press the Right arrow key.

Using the Up/down arrow key, locate logickeyboardninja and press Enter.

You have now successfully downloaded, copied and imported the logickeyboardninja Keymap into Logic.

Note 5: If you want to explore some of the Logic keys for yourself, you can put Logic into a mode where you cannot accidentally break your project.

To do this, press Option and K, which loads up the Key Commands window.

Using VO Right arrow, navigate to the first table you can find.

You can now press any key on the keyboard and VoiceOver should tell you what it does, excluding the Tab key.

Pressing Tab will take you to the Search box, but you can press tab again to return to the Key Commands table.

Now that you’ve got the Key Commands installed, enjoy using Logic; and don’t forget there is the handy Key Commands list for reference sorted by headings and categories.
If you are interested in some one on one training to get better acquainted with Logic, visit the training page.
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