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How To Create An Apple Loop

Posted in Beat Making, Logic, and Member's Area

Once you import a Loop into Logic and once you determine its tempo, you can export it as an Apple Loop into the Loop browser if you want to use it in multiple projects down the road.
You can convert any region in a Logic Pro Project to an Apple Loop, so long as it’s a whole number of bars in length, e.g. 4 bars or 8 bars or 16 bars long. If it’s say, 3 and a half bars, you will need to trim or stretch the region length to a whole number before trying to create an Apple Loop.
If you got any questions, let me know in the comments.

Check out the tutorial here


  1. Jhomme1028

    When I was looking in the Loop browser, I saw something called Drummer loops. Is it possible to create our own Drummer loops?

    May 24, 2023
    • TheOreoMonster

      Yep, So long as you have a drummer region selected, the steps outlined in this tutorial will create an appleLoop thats a drummer region.

      May 25, 2023

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