Importing A Loop Into An Existing Audio Project And Finding The Tempo

This Tutorial covers how to import a loop into an existing Project with audio tracks or a mix of Audio and MIDI tracks. Check out this tutorial to see in depth how the Adjust Tempo Using Region Length And Locators work. The below Tutorial shows how that feature can work when Importing into a project with audio tracks.
Don’t Forget to save your project before importing in case anything gets messed up, you have a place to revert back to.
If you’ve got any questions, let me know in the comments.

Check out the tutorial here

The First thing you will want to do is select all the audio tracks in the project and Lock them in place. This means they will stay at the same exact position in the time line when the tempo changes. This allows us to use the Adjust Tempo Using Region Length and Locators feature to set the project tempo to match that of the imported Loop, but not mess up the timing of any of the Audio Tracks in the Project.
Once you have the position locked, you can go ahead and import the Loop if you haven’t yet.
Once you have the Loop in the Project and the audio tracks locked, you can use the Adjust Tempo With Region Length And Locators to snap the project tempo to that of the Loop.
Once you have the Loop tempo you can turn on FlexTime for that track and then Adjust the project Tempo back to its original Tempo. Once the Project is at its Original Tempo, you can unlock the tracks
Once you have the tracks unlocked, you can turn on Flextime for those tracks as well if you would like to be able to adjust the tempo going forward and have those tracks follow along.