Introduction TO BeatMaking

This Tutorial Starts out in a new blank project with just the Classic Electric Piano and covers all the fundamentals to get under your belt to be successful at BeatMaking in Logic Pro!

Check out the tutorial here

Things covered include:
+ Recording To a Track
+ The different ways to Quantize (Including key commands and the inspector)
+ Selecting/Changing Sounds
+ Transposing
+ Duplicating Track and Contents
+ Combining Duplicating Tracks with Transposing to quickly build up parts. While in the example I use this to create a higher octave part on another instrument and a lower octave which gets used for a baseline, you could also keep it as the same instrument when you duplicate the track and contents and transpose it up or down a 3rd or 5th etc to build a chord
+The Proper way to Load Komplete Kontrol or any third party instrument
+ How to save that as a patch so you can quickly pull up that instrument again in the future
+ Exploring the note repeater – you can go deeper on the note repeater here
+ Basic Edits in the Event List. It’s recommended you fully familiarize yourself with the Event List. All but one key command also works in the Piano Roll. You can also go deeper with the Piano Roll here as well.
+ The hidden potential in the Logic Drums.

This is just scratching the surface and I’ll definitely dive more into the flexibility of the Logic Drums and other aspects in the future. What else Would you like to see me go deep on? Got any questions? Let’s discuss in the comments.

3 thoughts on “Introduction TO BeatMaking

  1. ramymoustafatafa says:

    I listened to your hole tutorial, but how you selected all notes after bar5? i can not understand this.
    and what is CTRL+shift+f?

    1. TheOreoMonster says:

      Control Shift F selects all following what is selected. So if you are in the event list or piano roll, it will select the note you are on and everything after it. If you have a region selected, it will select that region and everything after it.

      1. ramymoustafatafa says:

        very clear now, thanks in advance

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