Using Adjust Tempo using Region Length and Locators To Find The Tempo Of An Imported Loop

This tutorial covers how to use the region length of an imported Loops and Locators to snap the Logic Project to the tempo of the Loop without having to know the Loops Tempo. This is mostly useful if importing the Loop into an empty project. Once you follow and understand these steps you can see how to use this in a Project with Existing MIDI and or Audio Tracks. You can also save the Loop as an Apple Loop to import from the Loop Browser into Future Projects.
If you’ve got any questions, let me know in the comments.

Check out the tutorial here

The tutorial starts out Showing how sometimes you can tell a Loops Tempo from the file name. In those cases you can set the project to match the tempo of the loop. The tutorial goes on to show how to have the tempo follow any. Tempo you want to Seth the project to, and what to do when the existing projects contain Audio tracks vs Software Instrument.
Around 4:05 The tutorial discusses what to do if the tempo isn’t in the file name. For this we use a feature of Logic known as Adjust Tempo using Region Length and Locators.
For Laptop users or those not using a full sized keyboard with a NumberPad on it. Home is FN and the Left Arrow and End Is FN and the Right Arrow. So the key commands used to go to:
+start of selected region – Control Home or Control FN LeftArrow
+End of selected regions – Control End or Control FN Right Arrow
+Left Locator – Command Option Home or Command Option FN Left Arrow
+right Locator – Command Option End or Command Option FN Right Arrow.

2 thoughts on “Using Adjust Tempo using Region Length and Locators To Find The Tempo Of An Imported Loop

  1. ramymoustafatafa says:

    Thanks so much for your tutorial:
    need to ask:
    1- if i have a full song which i need to know it’s tempo to play with it or add some instruments etc, how can i do this?
    2- if this song has different tempo map, like some old songs that can not be on 1 tempo, or if it is from a concert, how can i dedict all it’s tempo map?
    3- how can i do a tempo map in logic for my project?

    1. TheOreoMonster says:

      You can use Detect tempo of selected region (Option Command T) to get the tempo of a full song. It will analyze the tempo and give you the option to flex it to a single tempo or leave it with it’s multiple tempos. If this is a multi tracks that you imported then just select all the regions with command A.
      If you have something that you want to put tempo changes into then check out this tutorial.

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