Welcome to Q&A 15 where we discuss everything from the difference between Locators, arrangement markers, and markers, Changing the metronome, take folders and more., See a playlist of all theContinue readingQ&A #15
Author: TheOreoMonster
Here’s How TO Take Control of Creating Fills With Drummer For Blind Logic Pro Users With VoiceOver
This QuickTip covers how to create Fills With Drummer In Logic PRo while using the built in MacOS screen reader for blind users. If you find content like this useful,Continue readingHere’s How TO Take Control of Creating Fills With Drummer For Blind Logic Pro Users With VoiceOver
The Different Panning Options & How To Pan Stereo Tracks in Logic Pro For Blind Users With VoiceOver
Logic Pro has multiple ways to Pan a stereo Track and in this tutorial Izzie G discusses the two main options and How they work for blind and visually impairedContinue readingThe Different Panning Options & How To Pan Stereo Tracks in Logic Pro For Blind Users With VoiceOver
How To Activate Plug In Alliance Plug Ins Using VoiceOver And VOCR For Blind Logic Pro Users
If you are Activating Plug In Alliance Plug Ins, this tutorial covers how with VoiceOver and VOCR. Check Out The Tutorial Here For more on VOCR see this: And
Q&A #14
In this 14th installment of the Q&A, we discuss everything from Guitars, Pros & Cons of Logic vs other DAWs, Komplete Kontrol, Drums and Drummer, taking advantage of Logic builtContinue readingQ&A #14
Q&A #13
This 13th installment of the Q&A brings questions about adding reverb to guitar tracks, Komplete Kontrol, MainStage, Keeping it Simple, Learning compression and much more., If you’d like to becomeContinue readingQ&A #13
Q&A #12
In the 12th installment of the Q&A for LogicBand Members we discuss everything from updating and backing up Logic, updating the LogicKeyboardNinja Key commands file, Arturia vs Komplete Kontrol keyboards,Continue readingQ&A #12
How TO Keep multiple Versions Of Logic Pro On Your Mac Simultaneously For Blind VoiceOver Users
When a new version of Logic Pro drops, it’s wise to back up the current version. But why just back it up when you can keep the current version andContinue readingHow TO Keep multiple Versions Of Logic Pro On Your Mac Simultaneously For Blind VoiceOver Users
Logic Pro Key Commands Not Working? This Change To VoiceOver in MacOS Sonoma Could Be The Culprit
Ever hit a key command in Logic and it doesn’t do what you think or VoiceOver responds with something as if you are on a website, like no radio groupContinue readingLogic Pro Key Commands Not Working? This Change To VoiceOver in MacOS Sonoma Could Be The Culprit
Editing With Locators On All Tracks Or Selected Tracks – Copy, Paste, Cut, Repeat, Insert Silence
After covering the basics of using locators for editing and a QuickFAQ on copying between Locators on a Single Track We’ll now dive full on into Editing with Locators. EverythingContinue readingEditing With Locators On All Tracks Or Selected Tracks – Copy, Paste, Cut, Repeat, Insert Silence