Start Projects With Favorite Settings And Sounds – Creating A Template In Logic Pro With VoiceOver!

If you find yourself constantly creating projects that start with the same sounds, and likewise make similar changes to project settings before beginning, then make life smoother and quicker in the future by creating a template. A template allows you to start a project with all your usual and/or favorite instruments, effects plug ins, and settings all ready to go, so you can get to creating and recording right away; and this guide covers how to do it with VoiceOver, the built in screen reader on MacOS for the blind and visually impaired.
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Creating a template has to do with setting up a project exactly the way you want all your projects to start, choosing your plug ins and instruments, Setting up the timeline and navigation, the inspector and other project settings, and then saving it as a template. You can then choose to start with that template when creating a new project.
In my example I created some audio tracks for recording Guitar with a choice of different amp sims. In this case however, I left them in bypass so I could choose a sound based on what I wanted to work on in each new project. This highlights an advantage, you could leave multiple plug in’s you like on a track but in bypass mode so you can go through and pick the one that works for the current creation. Alternatively, if you know you usually like a specific sound, you can leave that plug in on the track and active so the sound is ready to go when the project launches.
Another thing to be aware of is you can set up the inspector exactly the way you want. For example, If you like to have the region inspector and track inspector expanded, along with the disclosure triangle expanded in the region inspector, go ahead and set that up before saving the template.
Want to start your projects with a specific sample rate other than 44,100Khz and/or spacial audio active? Go ahead and make those selections in project settings prior to saving the template.
Hopefully all of these give you some ideas for things you may want to consider when creating your own template, as this is an extremely customizable thing that can be fine tuned and tailored to exactly the way you like to work. This also means that over time as you discover new tools or your preference changes, you can always update the template to reflect those changes as well.