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Q&A #15

Posted in Logic, Member's Area, and Q&A's

Welcome to Q&A 15 where we discuss everything from the difference between Locators, arrangement markers, and markers, Changing the metronome, take folders and more.,
See a playlist of all the Q&A’s here
Check out the Q&A here

Topics by Time Stamps:
0:00 – Difference between Markers & Locators, And how you can use locators almost like arrangement markers
9:12 – Collapsing working with take folders and comping takes
14:11 – Panning all the way Left or Right In Logic Pro and how it displays that to VoiceOver.
15:26 – How to put the Komplete Kontrol or other 3rd party plug ins on asoftware instrument track in Logic.
18:43 – After the Free Getting Started Course, then what?
30:00 – Is it safe to Update after a new version of MacOS comes out?

31:52 – What was that thing I enabled/disabled in the FlexPitch tutorial?
35:06 – Changing the Logic Pro metronome Tone. See how to change the sounds itself here.