Q&A #2

Topics covered are mentioned below. There is also a playlist of all the Q&A’s.

Check out Q&A 2 here

This Q&A gets started with a discussion on loopback and Audio Hijack, and answers a question about them. We also discuss how they can be used for things like recording tutorials.
Next up is a demonstration of compression attack and release times. To get the most out of this, start with the basics of compression tutorial found on the blog. After the attack and release explanations, some of the features exclusive to the Logic compressor are covered, like how to take advantage of its built in saturation.
After we wrap up with a brief conversation about podcast editing, which if you are interested in, check out this member tutorial.
Also we discuss the Virtual Typing Keyboard, and its pros and cons compared to using a physical MIDI keyboard. I believe a lot of people overlook how powerful or useful this can be.

2 thoughts on “Q&A #2

  1. rollineh says:

    Thanks, the discussion about compression is helpful.

  2. Hatch says:

    Hi Steve.
    Sorry I can’t make the live A and A, but here is my question:
    I still have problens with regions in Logic Pro, though I listened to several videos about them. Can you please demonstrate how to split regions on one or more tracks, copy and paste on a different track?
    My version of Keyboard Ninja doesn’t say the begining and end of the region!
    Do I have to install the latest version?
    Thank you.


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