A Chat With Louis Moorhouse – A Blind And Hearing Impaired Musician, Producer And Mixer Using Logic Pro

This is an interview with Louis Moorhouse, a fellow Logic Pro user, musician and producer/engineer and a hearing aid wearer like myself. In this conversation we talk about everything from how he got started, to favorite songs and gear plus how we work on music and audio production without the hearing loss slowing us down. We will discuss the way we compensate, what challenges we face, and what we found matters and doesn’t matter in the end when it comes to sounds. Whether you are also hearing impaired or not, I think there is a lot any musician, producer, and Logic Pro user can take away from this one. Time Stamps are listed below so you can easily get around the chat..
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While Louis is a Komplete Kontrol user, he also enjoys his Yamaha Reface CP so that way he has a keyboard he can just turn on and play without having to fire up the computer. The Yamaha also comes in handy as a MIDI controller which he uses for Soft Synth apps on iOS.
Regarding plug ins, we are both big fans of Plug In Alliance, and their various consoles (aka channel strips). Louis likes Console N and my favorite is Amek 9099. We also Like the SSl G and E, and a general consensus is that BX Delay 2500 should be in everyone’s arsenal. Other favorites include Softube Tape, Waves Infected Mushroom Pusher, The Valhalla DSP reverbs and stock Logic faithfuls like the Channel, Linear and Vintage EQ. Other well regarded Logic favorites are the compressor, tape and Stereo Delays plus Chromoverb and Space Designer. Saturation favorites include Softube’s saturation knob (free), Sausage-Fattener and Sound Toys Decapitator.

We also discuss control surfaces like the Behringer X-Touch and Soft Tube’s Console 1 and how they may or may not be useful.
Check Out Louis’s Youtube Channel or his Website if you’d like to contact him.

0:00 Intro and Louis BackStory
41:10 Louis Current Setup
53:51 Headphones Versus studio monitor speakers, which ones we use and why
1:02:38 To mix with or without hearing aids. Is it a good idea or not?
1:19:59 How to compensate for the hearing loss, and finding the confidence to charge for mixes
1:30:43 Our Favorite tools and plug-ins
1:38:50 Getting to grips with compression with a hearing loss
1:43:15 Favorite Delays And Reverbs
1:46:36 AI plug ins, do they help us at all? And What about accessibility, not just with AI plug ins but in general?
2:03:50 Favorite Saturation Plug Ins
2:04:32 Control Surface And Softube’s Console One
2:12:18 University, Networking, And Finding Clients
2:23:32 Wrapping Up!