FAQS & Logic #5 – Tuning Vocals Without Plug Ins, Finding a Loop’s Tempo, KK Speech Settings + More!

VoiceOver ducking your music while you try to edit in Logic? Need to adjust the speech settings for Komplete Kontrol’s accessibility mode? What if you are new to MacOS and VoiceOver and are having difficulty figuring out how to play embedded YouTube or other media content on a website? All these topics are among what’s covered in this episode of FAQS & Logic. Also if you would like to see how to tune vocals without using any plug ins, or how to find the tempo for an imported loop so you can sync it to a project tempo, check out the answers here!
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Question 1 (0:55)

Ben Asked:
I was wondering if you knew how to change the VoiceOver settings so that when I activate the accessibility on the A25 NI keyboard the voice doesn’t come through the main monitor speakers. I have the VoiceOver set to come through my Mac mini speakers but when I turn the accessibility on it changes to the monitor speakers.
I also have changed the VoiceOver voice but it keeps going back to the default.
Thanks for the interview with Andre, it was great.
And Thanks in advance for any help.

Answer 1:

Komplete Kontrol’s accessibility mode uses System Voice, and not VoiceOver. System Voice has it’s own settings separate from VoiceOver, and they are found in System Preferences; more specifically in the accessibility pane. Once in there look for Spoken Content in the table that lists all the accessibility features and you will then be able to adjust its settings. Check out the tutorial to see how I navigate through system preferences and what options you can change for the System Voice.

Question 2 (5:20)

Blind Ninja Music asked
How do you stop voice over from lowering the volume of the track you’re working on in Logic. I’ve noticed in your youtube videos that your voice over doesn’t lower the volume of the track you’re working on.
Knowing how to do this will help me hear and edit stuff faster.
Looking forward to your response,
thank you very much.

Answer 2:

This sounds like ducking is still enabled in VoiceOver Utilities. Open VoiceOver Utilities, select the Sound category and uncheck the Enable audio ducking checkbox. See the full answer in the tutorial to see how to navigate to and disable this feature.

Question 3 (6:42)

Mike Asked:
I noticed on the website that you interviewed Andre Louis, I was trying to find a link to watch it. I am not that good at VoiceOver on the Mac yet and I’m sure I just missed it.

Answer 3:

When navigating a website, embedded YouTube media content is usually in a frame. You will need to interact with these frames in order to get to the controls to play, pause, fast forward and rewind the content. You can also jump to the next frame on the pave with VO Command F, and to the previous frame with VO Shift, Command F. The tutorial explain this in detail and shows another VoiceOver Utility feature you may want to have enabled for web browsing.

Question 4 (10:34)

Keith Asked:
awesome job with the tutorials. I was just wondering if you can do a tutorial on how you edit vocals. I’ve seen the other one that was done, but I would like to know your approach as far as fixing notes that may need to be tuned. How do you go about doing it without the T-Pain effect. thank you and have a great day. And keep up the awesome work.

Answer 4:

While using FlexPitch in this manner is doable, It can leave a bit to be desired accessibility wise. An alternative method is simply splitting the regions to be tuned into their own region and then transposing those regions. If you don’t need to transpose a whole semi tone,, the fine tune slider in the region inspector is the way to go. This will allow you to do slight adjustments to something that’s just a little sharp or flat. Watch the tutorial to see how my friend Izzie G manages this in Logic. For more on moving through your project in small increments check out this blog post/tutorial. Also check out this tutorial to see how to set up a key command to mute speech so you can hear better while editing.
There are also tutorials on [playing in the corrected pitches with a MIDI keyboard or the Musical Typing Keyboard using Waves Tune Real-Time, also covered in FAQ’s & Logic #6, and using Auto-Tune.

Question 5 (21:55)

Ujjwal Asked:
How to change or adjust tempo of downloaded wav file of beat, If BPM is unknown?

Answer 5:

In the context of dealing with a loop where tempo is unknown, the Adjust Tempo using Region Length and Locators features is the one I would use here. This involves selecting the region and then setting the left and right Locator to where the region should start and end if it were on beat. Once you do this, press Command Option Shift T and accept the tempo change and you will be in business. There are other things to consider like if you already have other tracks in the project and this is addressed in the tutorial. If it’s something longer like a song or instrumental backing track, then the Detect Tempo of Selected Region (Option Command T) feature may be a better fit.