How Not To Clip When Recording Vocals Or Spoken Word

This tutorial is focused on those recording Vocals or spoken word and centers around the Topic of Gain Staging as it relates to Clipping. There are 2 places you can clip and we’ll discuss that along with a break down of the signal chain and how you can use plug ins while recording to make sure you never clip. While in the example I was peaking around -21 before adding the plug ins, you may want to peak around -18 to -12 before adding the effects. You also may not need to boost the gain by 12 like I did, but about 8 or so may work in those cases. Check out the tutorial and leave a comment if you have any questions.

Check out the tutorial here

4 thoughts on “How Not To Clip When Recording Vocals Or Spoken Word

  1. Rui says:

    Hi, great stuff as always. I do mostly Guitar D. I. tracking and this tips are very handy. However I was using the Gain plugin to boost the signal and the Platinum conversion because of the transparence. Once again, thank you very much for this great tips.

    1. TheOreoMonster says:

      Yes also handy for recording DI Guitars, which I also do a lot of. However, I usually use an Amp sim on the track so I will use the amp sims input/output parameters for level, but you can still put a limiter after it to make sure things never clip. Also a lot of amp sims will do well with a compressor in front of them.

  2. Jhomme1028 says:

    How does this apply to singing? Is there something different to watch for when singing?

    1. TheOreoMonster says:

      not specifically no. The Low cut filter will probably be set higher in the mixing phase but using these settings while recording vocals should work just as well. The end goal is the same to be able to hear yourself and not clip.

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