Q&A #8

Topics discussed are found below. All The Member’s Only Q&A’s are found on this playlist.

Check out Q&A 8 here

This Q&A kicks off with a question about quantizing MIDI and things to try when it doesn’t work. Suggestions for resolution included, Trying it in the Piano Roll or MIDI Event list, making sure it’s not a take region, and or Joining regions with Command J to see if that allows it to quantize again.
We then discuss the playback pre roll, what it means when it says 4 beats without a bar number in front of it, and how to get it to stop. I cover the playback pre roll in the getting started course so sign up to the mailing list if you haven’t yet to get it. We also discussed chase and how it relates to playback pre roll. Chase as well is covered in the aforementioned getting started course.
We also discuss the LogicKeyboardNinja key commands file, which has been updated recently so grab it if you haven’t already.
The conversation then turns to the Logic EQ and the Q control. The conversation broadens’s into how different EQ may work differently with their Q controls, and how some have what’s called proportional Q.
This continues on to talking about a band pass EQ, and while I point out that you could sort of fake one with the Low and Hi cut in the channel EQ, the best bet to do this is the first module in Phat FX.
Next up is komplete Kontrol and an issue that can catch you out when using a melody variant of an instrument. Another member lets us know that the options are using VOCR to find and click the ok button in the system notification that pops up, or to place a specific file in a specific location on your drive so you aren’t prompted to first click the ok button. I’ll try to find out what this file is and where it goes and link to it if possible.
The topic of conversation then ends up on the drummer, and more specifically drummer regions and the different effects the different ways of adding new drummer regions will have on the region. We also discuss how they would be affected when using the double region length key command. We also discuss considering repeating a region and then using the refresh option in the drummer editor to give it some slight variations.
Up next is the note repeater and all the different ways you can use it. We also discuss how the Note repeater could be useful for acoustic drums and other things outside of EDM and Hip Hop. We go on to discuss pros and cons of drummer and what could be improved, why I don’t always end up using 3rd party drum libraries like Addictive Drums or Steven Slate Drums, and how backing up logic makes it easy to roll back when issues arrive with Logic.
We transition into a group discussion about learning programs like Logic Pro, whether or not the company making the software should provide accessibility training, different ways to get funding and different options to learn. If you have the support of your local or state rehabilitation system to get blindness and career training, then I See Music is a good option to look into, and I and the Logic Pro Instructor there.

Coming out of all that, we then discuss the MIDI transform options found under the function menu in the tracks toolbar area ore in the piano roll/event list, and all the cool options there to speed up some of your MIDI editing.
I also share why I think the velocity range transform option may be the more useful one than just using the humanize function.
We also go on to discuss lag when playing certain instruments, the benefits of a clean install and easy ways to do that.. This comes back around to Komplete Kontrol NKS files and why certain things may not show up when using your keyboard to browse.
Up next is bouncing in place, especially as it relates to turning MIDI tracks into Audio and what happens to the effects on the track vs the effects on sends etc. This transitions into talking about exporting or bouncing out a single track as an audio file which is done using Command E.
We then discuss the reverse, as in importing individual wav files into Logic. The easiest option for this is to select and copy the files in finder and then paste them into Logic.
We wrap things up with a conversation about different plug in formats, VST vs VST 3 vs AU, the misleading “the last audio interface used is not available” error message you may see at times, and what exactly is it that your audio interface records. This also gets into recording guitars,DI and what it all means, how your audio inputs aren’t related to MIDI/Software instruments tracks but how to limit a MIDI/Software Instrument track to only be controlled by one physical hardware controller.
Any comments, leave them below and lets discuss further.