Q&A #9

Below are the topics discussed in this tutorial. You can check out a playlist of all the Q&A’s as well.

Check out Q&A 9 here

This Q&A starts out with a demonstration on editing. A member had sent me a long file that had their cat’s meow in it. Their Goal was to chop the meow into it’s own region so they could copy and paste it through out the project or better yet, bring it into the sampler and play it in in this project or others. We discussed navigating to the parts to split, selecting the region and putting it on its own track. Once the meow is its own region, I then go on to show how easy it is to make a Sampler instrument out of it and play it in creative ways..
Next up we have a few discussions, covering getting started, and the test live stream I did on Youtube where I spoke briefly of the Console 1 control surface.
We then discuss the notification that Logic Pro throws up whenever you open it and the interface you used last wasn’t available. I explain why it happens and the best way to resolve it and why it’s a temporary fix. The conversation continues on to talking about De-Essers, how they work and why a dynamic EQ or the Logic Compressor could be an alternative if you aren’t getting what you want from a de-esser.

Things proceed to talking about plug ins and their various formats and what all the different formats like VST3, AU, and AAX all mean. This transitions into a discussion of plug in presets and where they should be to work with the specific plug in that we were discussing.
Up next we discuss external SSD vs traditional spinning hard drives, USB C vs Thunderbolt docks and which to buy along with some discussion of back up options. After that we swing back to an earlier topic and discuss presets in general, and why at times we may or may not be able to access them.
We wrap up the Q&A with a brief update on the course and how it’s coming along..