This Feature Is Usually Not Accessible – Using Liquid Death Snare To Explain How Multi-Out Works For Blind Users With VoiceOver

If you have ever used a third party Drum Instrument, e.g. Superior Drummer or Addictive Drums, you may have encountered the frustration of not being easily able to rout the kicks, snares, rooms, overheads etc to their own tracks in your DAW so you can process them with EQ, Compression etc as you wish. That’s due to the Multi Out parts of the plug ins generally not being accessible. However due to some changes the JUCE development platform made recently, more and more plug ins are becoming somewhat accessible when built using that plug in development tool. That brings us to the topic of this tutorial, Liquid Death Snare, A snare drum instrument that is accessible enough for us to access its features including Multi Out.
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This tutorial starts out with copying over the regions from the drum track I already have in the project. If you want to see some quick ways to edit the MIDI so you just have the notes needed to trigger the snare, check out this members area tutorial.

Once that’s done, we’ll load up a Multi Out version of Liquid Death Snare. We’ll take a quick Look at the interface and then go over how you route the different microphones in Liquid Death Snare to their own tracks in Logic. Next up, the tutorial shows how you can go into the channel strip which you loaded the instrument on and select the add aux button to add the additional tracks needed to route the different microphones to. Once that’s done, it’s back into the plug in Window to send each microphone to its own AUX track.
Remember, you can use the letter V to show and hide the plug in window so you don’t need to keep navigating back to the Instrument track to re-open it.
In other drum instruments like the ones mentioned above, you may route the kick in, kick out, snare top, snare bottom, room mics, overhead mics etc in a similar way to how it was done with the different microphones on this snare. Unfortunately, in most other drum Instruments that process isn’t accessible. However times may be a changing, but we’ll have to wait and see as only time will tell.

The Different Mics In Liquid Death Snare

  • Snare Top Mic – Shure 545
  • Snare Bottom Mic – Blue Mouse
  • Snare Shell Mic – Ribbon Mic about 1 foot from shell
  • U47 about 8 feet away (mono room/ambience)
  • Overheads Mics – Pair of SE Electronics RN17
  • Close Room Mic – Pair of Ribbon Mics about 12 feet away from the snare
  • Far Hallway room mics- pair ofModified C12 from way down the hallway