
taking Advantage of Key Switches And Velocity Layers When Playing MIDI or Software Instrumentts

If you use a lot of Software instruments, whether they be stock Logic instruments, Komplete Kontrol or other third party instruments, then you may or may not have noticed thatContinue readingtaking Advantage of Key Switches And Velocity Layers When Playing MIDI or Software Instrumentts

QuickFAQ: Selecting & Copying Regions Between Locators On Selected Track IN Logic Pro With VoiceOver

If you like to use Locators to edit in Logic Pro, this tutorial shows how to use left And Right locators to split and copy regions using VoiceOver. This canContinue readingQuickFAQ: Selecting & Copying Regions Between Locators On Selected Track IN Logic Pro With VoiceOver

QuickFAQ: How to Edit Spoken Word (Podcast, Spoken Dialog, ETC.) in Logic Pro With VoiceOver

Though it’s been discussed before more in the context of removing breaths out of singing or vocals, or in the context of editing on the fly while recording spoken wordContinue readingQuickFAQ: How to Edit Spoken Word (Podcast, Spoken Dialog, ETC.) in Logic Pro With VoiceOver