Pitch Correcting Vocals By Playing In the Correct Notes With A MIDI Keyboard

This excerpt from FAQs & Logic #6 was Question 3, but is posted here.
Got any Questions, let’s discuss in the comments.
If you are looking for a tutorial on Flex Pitch in Logic with Voiceover, check out this tutorial. There are also tutorials on tuning vocals without any plug ins, which is an also covered in FAQ’s & Logic #5.
You can also use Auto-Tune.](pitch-correcting-vocals-using-auto-tune-to-play-in-the-correct-notes-with-a-midi-keyboard)

Check out the tutorial here

For This example we are using Waves Tune Real-Time, but you can do the same with Auto Tune and other options exist as well. You will need to add a new software instrument track to the project and then reset the channel strip, and add Waves Tune Real-Time as the instrument on the track. .
Once the plug-in is loaded, side chain it to the audio track with your vocal on it. You will then need to, Switch the plug in view to Editor or Remote view before proceeding to VOCR the window to find the Target Pitch button. You can now play in the notes with your midi keyboard .

6 thoughts on “Pitch Correcting Vocals By Playing In the Correct Notes With A MIDI Keyboard

  1. ramymoustafatafa says:

    how can i move by transient?
    i tried CTRL+COmma or Period, but it is not working, any ideas?

    1. TheOreoMonster says:

      Unless you have Logic 10.7.5, Voiceover may not speak the playhead position when moving by transient. Also if possible depending on what you are moving by transient through it may just be moving in extremely small increments. Verify that you have either the LogicKeyboardNinja key commands active or the US key commands. Also are you using a US Keyboard?

      1. ramymoustafatafa says:

        Yes using the Ninja Keyboard here, and Logic 10.7.5, am sure that my track is selected and has something on a bar, so pressing CTRL+comma did not move me to any place

        1. TheOreoMonster says:

          are you using a US keyboard or a local one? Do you have all the advanced features turned on?

          1. ramymoustafatafa says:

            yes using the US1, and advanced features are on by default in the advanced tap.

          2. TheOreoMonster says:

            Are you attempting to move by transient on a Software instrument track? You can since MIDI tracks have no transient this is for audio tracks only. You can open the piano roll or event list and move by note to note. please check out the indepth event list tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RDID19nyug0 or the Piano Roll tutorials https://lb.theoreo.monster/edit-your-midi-quickly-with-the-piano-roll-in-logic-heres-how-with-voiceover/ to see how to edit your MIDI.
            Bounce in Place with Command Control B to turn a MIDI Track into an audio track.

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